Cardinal Advincula calls on Filipino faithful to be missionaries despite health protocols
MANILA – Against a backdrop of health protocols and restrictions brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic where the some of the faithful have opted to stay home, Catholics can still be “missionary disciples.”
This was the gist of the recently elevated member of the College of Cardinals, Capiz Archbishop Jose Fuerte Cardinal Advincula, Jr.’s homily earlier today in time for the Solemnity of the Immaculate Concepcion of the Blessed Virgin Mary at the Immaculate Conception Cathedral in Roxas City.
His homily was consisted with the Catholic Bishops Conference of the Philippines’ (CBCP) theme for the year-long celebration next year to mark the arrival of Christianity in the country five centuries ago as the “Year of Missio Ad Gentes” (To the Nations).
He said proclaiming the Gospel is not just the task of the clergy and consecrated persons reserved in pulpits, but also by the laity.
“Let us be reminded that all of us are missionary-disciples,” Cardinal Advincula told the congregation during the pontifical high mass in time for the city’s fiesta.
“Through our words, actions and our total commitment to the faith, we can all preach the Gospel to others around us be it at home, work-places, schools and within our small communities,” he explained.
These simple deeds, according to the 68-year-old prelate, explains that “even if most of us are forced to stay home, we can still carry out our mandate to be missionary disciples.”
He presided over the concelebrated mass and preached donning a face shield and mask according to the minimum health and safety standards mandated by the government.
The ninth cardinal in the country’s history said Filipino Catholics, just like the first followers of Jesus, “should not just be at the receiving end of instruction and witnessing but should also be prompted to instruct and give witness to their faith.”
“We cannot be disciples only, we have to be missionaries,” Cardinal Advincula reminded his congregation. He added Filipinos are acknowledged worldwide for being devout Catholics. (Melo M. Acuña)

The Philippines' ninth member of the College of Cardinals, Capiz Archbishop Jose Fuerte Cardinal Advincula, Jr. calling on the faithful to be missionaries despite the health restrictions during this morning pontifical high mass during the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary at the Metropolitan Cathedral in Roxas City. (Archdiocese of Capiz photo)