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  • Writer's pictureMelo Acuna

Cardinal Tagle, fifth Filipino bishop to test COVID-19 positive

CBCP leadership calls for prayers for COVID-19 positive Cardinal Tagle

MANILA - Acting CBCP President Kalookan Bishop Pablo Virgilio S. David called on his fellow prelates to pray for the early recovery of Cardinal Luis Antonio G. Tagle who tested COVID-19 positive upon arriver in Manila yesterday for his late summer break.

In a circular released today, Bishop David said Cardinal Tagle tested negative in Rome last September 7 for him to be allowed to travel to Manila.

“In all likelihood, he may have picked up COVID-19 right at the airport or in the airplane. He probably could not avoid being greeted by people, especially OFWs, who recognized him at the airport or inside the plane,” Bishop David said.

Cardinal Tagle came to Manila to visit his elderly parents in Imus, Cavite. However, he now has to stay in isolation for the next two weeks. Bishop David it was fortunate that Cardinal Tagle has been found asymptomatic.

The acting CBCP President called on the members of the Conference to include Cardinal Tagle in daily Mass intentions until he recovers so he could resume his ministry for the whole Catholic church.

Two bishops have earlier succumbed to COVID-19, Bishop Manuel Sobrevinas retired Bishop of Imus and Archbishop Oscar V. Cruz (retired Archbishop of Lingayen-Dagupan. Bishop Broderick S. Pabillo, the Apostolic Administrator of Manila and Bishop Deogracias Iniguez, retired Bishop of Kalookan, have fully recovered.

Cardinal “Chito” as fondly called by his closest friends is the prelate to have been infected with COVID-19. (Melo M. Acuña)

CBCP Acting President Kalookan Bishop Pablo Virgilio S. David. (File Photo/Melo M. Acuña)

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