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  • Writer's pictureMelo Acuna

DICT executive cites needs for fiber cable

DICT executive says more fiber cables needed to address demand

MANILA – Information and Communications Technology Undersecretary Manuel Caintic said telecommunication companies in the Philippines need to install more fiber cables across the country.

Speaking at the regular Press Briefing hosted by Presidential Spokesperson Harry Roque, Mr. Caintic said the country which has an area of 400,000 square kilometers would require more cable to address the growing demand for internet access.

“Our cable rollout is still minimal. We may require telcos to double, triple or quadruple their efforts to fill the gap,” he said.

He added the government can be of help by seeing to it there are no problems related to the telcos rolling out of the needed fiber cables. He explained these cables would decongest the jammed facilities. (Melo M. Acuña)

DICT Undersecretary Manuel Caintic. (Screen Grab from Press Briefing today hosted by Secretary Harry Roque. (Melo M. Acuna)

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