President Duterte optimistic China will lead in vaccine development
MANILA – President Rodrigo Duterte said he believes China will be the first among countries developing a vaccine to stop the dreaded COVID-19.
Speaking before a nationwide audience Thursday night, President Duterte said China is developing a vaccine which may be available in four months’ time.
“Their target is September. I think China will be able to distribute if I’m not mistaken and the other countries are catching up,” he added.
The Philippine president said he believes China will be among the countries who will be able to release the vaccine first.
“The Chinese are not arrogant, but they work,” he further explained.
President Duterte declared recently there will be no face-to-face classroom instruction in the country’s thousands of public schools until and unless a vaccine against COVID-19 reaches the market.
The World Health Organization in the Philippines said recently that a vaccine against COVID-19 may take over a year to develop. (Melo M. Acuña)

President Rodrigo Duterte. (Screen Grab from PTV4)