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  • Writer's pictureMelo Acuna

PH-CH mark 46th year of diplomatic relations in difficult times

Ambassador Huang says solidarity and partnership seen during COVID-19 pandemic

MANILA – Chinese Ambassador to Manila Huang Xilian said Chinese President Xi Jinping and Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte have pushed forward the bilateral relations in the right direction.

Speaking at the traditional Christmas Party on virtual platform, tendered for Manila-based journalists, Ambassador Huang said both countries have overcome differences and external interferences. He said the year 2020 is the

“Since the outbreak of COVID-19, the two governments and people have supported each other, stood together in solidarity, writing a new chapter in the relationship,” he said.

He added both countries have gently pushed forward the synergy of the Belt and Road Initiative and the “Build, Build, Build” seen to contribute to the Philippine economic recovery.

“So far, we have completed 11 inter-governmental cooperation projects from drug control, counter-terrorism, food security, radio and television services among others, with six more projects under implementation and several others in the planning stage,” he added.

The ambassador said the future of both countries lies in their prosperity and stability of Asia as the “collective rise of Asian countries is a distinctive feature of the unprecedented changing landscape in the world.”

“I firmly believe that like China, the future of the Philippines will be deeply rooted in its national development, in its friendly neighborhood and in the Asian family of peace, stability and common prosperity moving forward,” he further said.

He explained China and the Philippines should seize the opportunity of economic prosperity.

Ambassador Huang said the Chinese experience of lifting hundreds of millions from poverty provides lessons for other developing countries to emulate. (Melo M. Acuña)


Chinese Ambassador Huang Xilian speaking before Manila-based journalists at a virtual party tonight. (MELO ACUNA)

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