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  • Writer's pictureMelo Acuna

President Duterte breaks silence on Japanese PM Sinzho Abe's resignation

President Duterte expresses regret over Japan PM Abe’s resignation

MANILA – President Rodrigo Duterte today said he regrets Prime Minister Abe Shinzo’s resignation.

In a statement released Saturday afternoon, President Duterte said with the engagements he had with his Japanese counterpart, he saw “a leader with a bold vision and firm determination” to give the best to his country and the region.

He said the bilateral relations between the Philippines and Japan has reached a “strategic partnership” that greatly flourished during Prime Minister Abe’s term. He credited Prime Minister Abe for laying the foundation “for an even closer friendship and cooperation” with the Philippines.

President Duterte said he would always remember Prime Minister Abe’s kindness and strength of character. He recalled the opportunity for him and his family to welcome Prime Minister Abe and Madame Akie to their home in Davao City.

“He is – to me and the Filipino people - a true friend closer than a brother,” he said. He assured the unwell leader of his prayers for speedy and full recovery. (Melo M. Acuña)

President Rodrigo Duterte (left) and Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe during President Duterte's visit to Tokyo. (Malacanang Photo)

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